When Life Doesn’t Go The Way You Planned

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
— Proverbs 19:21

I stood in front of my bathroom mirror, taking one final glance before we embarked on our 250-mile journey. As exhausted as I was from the strenuous task of over-packing (if you know, you know) internally I was brimming with excitement. I wondered what the journey ahead would look like. I got excited for all of the pictures we’d take, the good food, the excursions we had planned and I was eager to see my extended family.

Then suddenly, and without warning, my daydreams were interrupted by the gentlest whisper. The familiar voice asked one question. A question that would shape the course of my and my family’s lives for the next few days.

What if things don’t go the way you planned them?

The whisper came with a nudging in my heart that assured me that it was in fact, Holy Spirit speaking. Unsure of what to do, and how to respond, I tucked the question away in my mind for safekeeping. Little did I know that it was a discreet foreshadowing of the tumult up ahead…

This would be our first family trip in over a year. Fresh off the heels of a year of extreme changes. Between the house fire, moving three times, living in hotels for a month, dealing with insurance companies and legalities, assisting in the process of rebuilding our home from scratch, and preparing for the upcoming move back… (Whew! That was a lot just writing it) you could understand why I was craving a getaway. I desired just a few days to be around the people I love most and create lasting memories without the sometimes troublesome additions of every day life.

Some Things Don’t Require A plan; Some things Require Trust

As our car rolled down the interstate an hour later thoughts of how the coming days would play out flooded my mind. Then just as softly as the first, another whisper greeted me. This time it was a response to my internal dialogue;

Some things don’t require a plan; some things require trust.

Now, if you know me you perhaps know that I love to travel, and I am a planner at heart. Needless to say I had a full itinerary mapped out. I had prayed immensely for this trip to become a reality and when the opportunity fell into my lap with little to no effort of my own, I was elated! According to my carefully crafted itinerary, we’d visit my aunt who had fallen ill and (glory be to God) was recovering. Then, in order to celebrate my niece’s upcoming graduation we’d take a day trip to D.C., visit the Museum of the Bible and grab brunch at this snazzy new restaurant and maybe hit up a worship night at a local church. After that, we’d head to one of my relative’s homes for Memorial Day bbq. In my mind I had planned out the perfect long weekend.

Allow me to me cut to the chase and let you know that only one of these things actually came to pass.


Here’s how it actually transpired.

On our way to our first stop we very scarcely (only by the grace of God) avoided an accident. My beloved trip to D.C. fell apart right before my eyes along with every other recreational plan I had made. Then when we were finally able to go out, it rained. Heavily. Ironically enough as soon as we piled back into our car to head home the rain ceased and the sun came out to wink at us. It was almost laughable. Almost.

To make things radically more dramatic, on our way home our SUV was struck by an intoxicated driver, derailing and damaging the vehicle and several other vehicles on the interstate. As a result, my family and I ended up returning back to the state we had just left to recuperate, recover and process what had just transpired: causing an unplanned extension of our “vacation”. Furthermore, we were catapulted into an 8.5-hour stay in the world’s most unorganized ER. Needless to say, we were all exhausted and frazzled.

But, before you think it doesn’t get more dramatic than this let me tell you; it does…

When our journey home commenced the following day, we traveled for hours only to find ourselves stuck in a hours long traffic jam. A complete standstill. Cars were lined up as far as the eye could see and not one of them were moving. We later learned that the Delaware Memorial Bridge had been closed due to a tractor-trailer that caught on fire.

The burnt tractor trailer. The Delaware Memorial Bridge.

Imagine finally getting to the front of the traffic jam, believing that the worse was behind you only to be rerouted back into Delaware with no further instructions. We quickly realized that the only other route to return to New York was a 3.5-hour detour into Philidelphia, a journey that none of us were up to. In other words, we were stranded. So we waited and waited, prayed, ate, got out of our car to stretch, then we waited some more. In the end, a trip that was meant to take 4.5 hours took 10.5.

Feel free to cry with me. Or rejoice…maybe?

Just a glimpse of the traffic jam.

Spot the evil one’s intention

No frustrating circumstance is ever in vain. Let me repeat that. No frustrating circumstance is ever in vain.There is always a purpose for the things that we go through. We know that God’s intention is to use the painful, uncomfortable, and disruptive situations we face for our ultimate good.

On the contrary, we can be sure that the evil one intends to use it for our harm. More likely than not his plan is to frustrate, intimidate and discourage you. The Bible states that his plan for us is to “steal, kill and destroy.” -John 10:10

With that knowledge in tow, it is extremely imperative that we pause, pray, and ask God to adjust our perspectives in the midst of our trials. We have to be very careful that we don’t allow the weight and disappointment of our circumstances to make us play into the very trap and intention of the enemy. Look for the evil ones’ intent behind creating this scenario and then fight like hell not to play into it. This is a great time to take on the widely overused, but often relevant mindset of “Not Today, Satan!” Do not give the evil one a foothold.

Regardless of How It Looks And Feels God Is In Control

In Jeremiah 29:11 God says,

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

While I still do not have solid answers for why this past week unfolded as it did, (and from the looks of it processing and resolving some of the issues that arose will be a journey in itself) I know that in each moment up ahead God is waiting to meet me there. I have found my anchor in one scripture;

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

As a result I am convinced that even when I don’t understand, I must believe His plan is better than my own. God has a plan. God has a purpose. I am in His plan. I am in His purpose. He is protecting me. He is guiding me. I am safe. I can be still and trust His plan. So can you.

Plan With God

Does this mean we shouldn’t make plans? No, not at all. In fact, the Bible speaks extensively about the need for order and a plan. However, all of our plans need to be inclusive of God’s wisdom and submitted to Him for the final revision.


With all that has happened, it is tempting to be angry, frustrated and to sulk. But then I’m reminded of how much worse it could have been if God, Himself hadn’t been fighting for us. I think of how the accident could have resulted in fatalities and yet my family and I are alive; in pain and processing, but alive.

The Verrazzano Bridge. New York City.

Moreover, during the trip we were able to laugh together, reminisce, and see family that we haven’t seen since the pandemic. Additionally, regardless of the way it turned out I received the road trip I had been praying for. Most importantly, we were able to pray for and minister to people who needed to hear from God. Now, that alone is a win in my book.

When all is said and done I see the hand of the One who spoke to me in a gentle whisper. The One who cushioned our car and steered our vehicle to safety, the One who foretold and promised that He’d be there when things got crazy. The One who assures me that I have no reason to be afraid because He’s right beside me. With that being said, I can’t help but believe that God, Himself, is the silver lining. So we can trust Him when things don’t go the way we planned.

Yours Truly, Maryland.